Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Indian Muslims need to shrug off their lethargy

Muslims situation is distressing as it exists today. It is indeed appalling. Where do we stand( or rather hide) in today's burning scenario? Some indulge in self pittance whilst others may adopt an aggresive stance whilst some may even pretend to be descendents of an ostrich. Truth is that we have failed to grow as a community, as one who can assert themselves. We need to take stock of the stark realities of life today. We need to be brutally honest in assessing oursleves. Then, we can begin from there.
I strongly advise against a stance that is demeaning. Nor do I suggest an outright aggressive demeanour. It is time to do what we call a SWAT analysis of oursleves, our environment.
Muslims needs to emerge stronger. A challenging envorenment should spur us on. We need to actually create a mission. where do we wish to oursleves in the next five,ten years...and then we work accordingly. Rampant allegations of "terrorists" should be treated with disdain and shruged off as water flowing off the back of a duck. Muslims( especially Indian muslims) are a peace loving community and we shall live by it. Muslims have always been and will always be an integral part of India. It is our right by performance, by our committment, by our sacrifices, by our love for our nation.
Let divisions be dead and buried and a thing of the past. Unite with all your might. Treat the community like a product. Make is saleable. Make is attractive.
For the above, the primary requisite is education. Make education as neccessary as eating food. Ensure that each child in each family of each village of each region of each state values education and strives hard to achieve it. Education is the fountainhead of progress. And yes, do not be selective in education and preclude our womenfolk from becoming a part of the " seek education campaign". An educated and wise mother is the mother of all future progress.

1 comment:

Abdallah Rizvi Lucknowi said...

My views on Indian Muslim ( Especially The Youth ) are mixed . In my firm opinion , the Polity of India is largely responsible for the current state of affairs . Somewhere , the '' Equal Opportunity '' or ''The level playing Field'' is missing . Hindu Fundamentalism is becoming scary -- coupled with Educated unemployment . Earlier , the individuals used to be castists ---- now the States ' proudly'' have that 'Label' --Look at Gujrat , UP ,Bihar . Where you think the Muslim youth of Gujrat should go ????? How many offices a single WIPRO should open in Gujrat to ensure equal opportunity ???? When the entire private Sector in a state is controlled by ' MODI'' Minds , what future the young ones can foresee in their own place of Birth ?? How many of them can actually migrate to other States for livelihood ?? Now , are these young ones not vulnarable ----- Again to be misguided by other set of rogues ???? Its getting too vicious for words !!!!

The problem in India is purely Socio-Economic . We need Statesmen to address the issue not Advani & Likes !!!

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