Wednesday, December 6, 2023

The Living dead

 Nothing remains static,bereft of motion, unless, of course, one is done and dusted with! Gone with the wind! 

Talking about gone with the wind, obviously life has a value. or is it only for some? Not for all? Ukraine and now Palestine. What's the value of a life? People died in big numbers during the Covid period. But mostly all got a decent burial. Palestines dead lie on the streets. Some in many pieces and spread over the rubble. Burial? not for many. People lamenting? Perhaps. But who is there to lament when the entire families are blown to smithereens?

They await their turn but don't show their backs. They are brave and bold. They live by the minute but don't despair. They have almost no food to eat or water to drink. But they still smile and prostrate before their Lord. Lord will have mercy on them, In sha Allah soon. Very soon.