Step up and offer!
It has been close to two decades when we witnessed a mad frenzy of convoluted and perverted thinking. We saw an orientation that was completely alien to the normal Indian psyche. The politicians and other disoriented vandals attempted to hijack the true Indian ethos when they mauled the spirit of the Indian constitution and in a brazen display of arrogance and malevolence they raised the Babri Masjid to dust. They had trampled the rich heritage of India when they sought to sow seeds of hatred within fellow Indians only on the basis of religion. There were cracks within the nation. Or at least it appeared so. Muslims were vary and apprehensive of the intentions of the Hindus. There was a feeling of suspicion that there would be attempts to attack and capture more mosques across the nation. This feeling got strengthened as militant and rambunctious saffronites took to the streets airing their plans of taking over mosques in Varanasi, Mathura etc. Muslims were petrified, mortified and a pall of gloom shrouded the community. And then they prepared to fight back, come what may. People lost faith in government and governance. They were prepared for the worst.
Today, in 2010, we stand with our heads high. Indians have proved once again that brotherhood among fellow citizens is strong and vibrant. Hindus and Muslims have not blown the battle bugle. They have, on the contrary seen through the façade of the bigoted , overzealous politician. They are seized of his hidden agenda. No more blind faith or following as each one realizes that the significance of the destiny of his community is linked with the fate of the nation. A strong and resilient nation ushers well for a dynamic and bubbling community.
Since Dec 1992, there have been no more attempts to capture any more mosques. Muslims were no longer facing a bellicose opposition. Better sense prevailed upon all concerned. The nation prospered. We prospered.
We as Muslims have shown our courage and resilience in ensuring that no places of worship can be bullied into acquisition. We can wait for the court to decide and then abide. Today when the decision of the court creates a huge suspense and anxiety, let me float a small thought, albeit with trepidation. Hindus and Muslims have shown remarkable maturity in dealing with the changing scenario. I felt that we Muslims can step up and hug our Hindu brother and say, “ Irrespective of the court order, we gift you this land. We will cooperate with you in building the Ram temple”. If we do this, do we Muslims loose anything? Is there any loss to the community? I really do not see any. On the contrary, we build a huge reservoir of goodwill and camaraderie. This goes a long way in bettering the future for all concerned. Some diehard extremists and opportunists may take affront to this suggestion, but when mulled over in tranquility, they will also see merit in this idea. Islam is all about forgive and forget and then move ahead. They should remember the treaty of Hudaibiyah and the conquest of Makkah. Islamic history is replete with instances of sacrifices for the sake of the community.
The Government, on its part, can also show benevolence by appreciating this gesture in the form of a reciprocal gift. They can do it in many ways, but what comes straight to my mind is that it can offer the Muslims a special reservation for a period of time. Reservation in Education and in Jobs, say for five-ten years. The Ranganathan or the Sacchar commissions have already shown the pitiable and pathetic condition of the average Muslim. This will benefit the community and make it stronger and more mainstream. Also it will seal the lips of the opportunists and myopic leaders. It takes two to Tango?
History can be made. A beautiful chapter can be written. This shining chapter will be the one which the future generations will refer to with pride and joy. Let us put our hands together and pen the glorious event of a marvelous gift , one which ensures a Gabrial Oak
smile across the nation, cutting through religious and community lines. Mera Bharat Mahaan.
Dear Abdullah Bhai,
Asak, Eid Mubarak
Your piece invokes many questions and answers simultaneously. I do like the idea of gifting the land to Hindus of India as a gesture of goodwill to let them build a temple. It must not be given to Ram Janam Bhoomi Grp or the BJP for that matter. I think this act of gesture would definitely help cement lot of cracks from yesteryears that are yet to be glued. Indeed historically and contemporarily, the two faiths have collided on behest of power drunk zealots for their selfish reasons, who have not thought once before sacrificing the harmony at the altar of power and lust for glory.
The second thought of yours about getting the government to do all the reservations for you..I disagree. How long would the Muslim community rely on the government grants and reservations etc to move forward. Why not us Muslims take the task to help the community. Muslims by definition are most gregarious but by practice quite dis-attached and often discriminatory. We must learn from our Hindu, Sikh, Parsi brothers or even Jews how to build a community for harmony and prosperity. It’s about time Muslims should leave the hope of bread being delivered the easy way. It’s about time that the man steps up the mantle and make salt worth his stead. Leaders of community and champions of Muslim causes must make haste to put their acts together and work on a strategy to bring about that change and just not stand at pulpits, podiums and platforms to deliver rosy speeches. it’s time to get out of the comfort zone and devote a portion of time and resources for the betterment of the community. How many have thought of sponsoring a Child to see him or her through his studies. “Life’s strides are not from pleasure to pleasure but from hope to hope” – RB
WIth best regards
Danish Samad, Riyadh
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