Arnab Goswami and the likes who are intoxicated with a heavy dose of megalomania have done more harm than good to the nation. An overzealous Arnab perhaps visualizes himself as the Angry Young Man of the Indian TV! And with that comes his poker faced jibes at one and all who was or is, associated with the CWG. Not to be left behind is the rapidly graying Rajdeep Sardesai who makes great efforts in shooting incisive questions! Those which are supposed to “Knock out” the already punched and battered office bearer of the CWG working committee! Coming to the Hindi channels. Less said the better.
I do not opine that Kalmadi and his Man Friday Bhanot are whiz kids who deserve any accolades. On the contrary, I also dub them as spineless and worthless organizers. But I stop here and ponder. By publicly( Internationally) castigating the likes of Kalmadi, am I really doing a favour to my motherland? The way we have blared our vocal chords ( accompanied by that devilish glee in the eyes) on almost all the TV channels, it seems that there is some kind of an award for the most aggressive, high pitched and self centered presenter. The expose by the TV should have been sent to the PMO and not to be aired all over the world. Those pictures of the Pan spitted walls, dirty loos going across the world have caused long term damage to our image. This should never have happened. Yes, the guilty should have been brought to justice. The inefficient should have been bunged out with little remorse. And at the right time. But all this with dignity and purpose. If there is a problem in your house, then you settle it tactfully and wisely even the nosy neighbours knowing nothing. Right? Why do we treat our nation differently?
We have washed our very dirty linen in public. We have shouted from the roof top that we Indians are excellent when pulling the legs of our fellow country men. We have shown the world that we do not understand the meaning of freedom of expression and speech. We have shown that all our TV channels are far from mature and in their quest for a higher TRP, they will embarrass the nation. I stand dejected and embarrassed. India has been belittled and dirty filthy muck thrown with little compassion and compunction. As I write this, I can see the headlines in all the TV channels castigating and demonizing India. One snake has been “seen” in one of the African delegates room, a bed has caved in and so on. Such issues deserve HEADLINES on TV which is seen the world over?
The West and some other prejudices nations are on the look out to find faults with this growing super power. Yes, India is a growing super power. The likes of pseudos like Suhail Seth etc would leave no opportunity to gun India down. Still, India will survive and emerge stronger. The Australians have the temerity to say that we did not even deserve to get the games. He did not say it for years! But he is emboldened due to the mud slinging by our own folks. They rake up the issue of security when it comes to India but sent their cricket team to England even when the IRA was at it’s peak, blasting bombs like crackers! As one gold medal winner said, “ The athletes normally stay in University hostels and all facilities are as per university level only. But none complains. Why? Because their media does not do what our media does! Blast not for the sake of improvement but for the sake of TRP!!! So much for media emancipation. Maybe we will have to wait for more time to see a more mature and a responsible media. Especially the powerful audio visual media. Most of the presenters have “cowboy approach of firing first and talking later’. They need to understand the power of their “ journalist gun”. They have single handedly brought the Progressive and Nuclear India to the level of the corrupt, inefficient, archaic, “third world” India
Kalmadi and co have lost a great chance. Rather than his name coming in the Hall of Fame, he shall be hung on the Wall of Shame. He should be suitably punished . Not because he went wrong but because he went woefully wrong . Kalmadi’s punishment should be such that it should become a deterrent for future administrators of sports in India. A massive shakeup of 10 points on the richter scale is needed to wake up the lazy, lethargic and laid back sports organizers in India. At least this is one good I can see emerging from these CWG.
But before I sign off, a small point worth pondering over…..who was responsible for organizing the games? I seem to understand that it was a team of two. One, the IOA, headed by the likes of Kalmadi and VK Malhotra and two, the likes of Janab Mike Fennel and Mike Cooper, the Commonwealth Games Federation big wigs. If Kalmadi gets the boot, then what about Fennel and co.?