Switzerland- The Fall Guy!!
So the Swiss Govt. thought that four minarets were enough to adorn the skyline of the country. Four is company, five is crowd? It is very much within their rights , after all , it is their country. I would not have read much into this decision if this was taken prior to 9/11 and dismissed it as a non happening. However, with all the brouhaha and chest beating in the recent past, this decision does draw attention. After all, what purpose does this ban serve? And frankly, I see no benefit accruing to the Swiss. I am perplexed not by the decision but by the lack of any significant purpose being served. Mosques have not been banned, Islam has not been shackled or stifled, Muslims have not been isolated. Islam will still be practiced much as it was earlier. Swiss people are as warm and accommodating with or without the Minaret. Some opined that there is a fear of Islam being perceived as militant and perhaps this ban serves the purpose of sending a notice to the fundamentalists!!? I would not subscribe to this as nothing untoward has ever been reported in Switzerland. So why this fear? But this sudden phobia for minarets did get me curious and it got me studying the relations between Muslims and Switzerland. I discovered that although Islam dates back to the 10th Century, it has been only fifty years or so that Islam has grown. I believe that of the 150 mosques in Switzerland, only 4 have minarets, and only 2 more minarets are planned. None conduct the call to prayer over an open mike which might be upsetting the locals. There are about 350-400,000 Muslims in a population of some 7.5 million people. Close to 90 percent of Muslims in Switzerland are from Kosovo and Turkey and they practice their religion with utter humble discreet and respect. All has been peaceful so where is the question of the “rise of fundamentalism” in Switzerland?? There is no angst amongst the locals vis-à-vis Islam or Muslims per say. On the contrary, the Muslims gel well amongst the Swiss and form an integral part of the nation. Muslims in Switzerland abide by all Swiss laws and regulations. In general, no Swiss laws exist that directly interfere with any Islamic duty. For example, no Swiss laws forbid Muslims from exercising their religious beliefs or practices, such as praying or fasting. To date, no Islamic or Muslim political parties exist in Switzerland. Only a few Swiss Muslims are involved politically and the few Muslims elected to office have not made Islam their battle. To the contrary, their religious belonging usually remains silent and unobtrusive. Similarly, no Swiss political party has directed its political views against Islam. Though there are various Muslim associations in Switzerland, there are no Islamic schools. But there is increasing awareness about Islam and this is a positive sign.
Ulrich Schlüer, a member of Parliament from the S.V.P., said minarets were a symbol of “the political will to take power” and establish Sharia, or religious law. Preposterous. Unbelievable. Nothing more than ranting of a guy suffering from delusion of persecution. Imagine a few Minarets enabling a minuscule, infinitesimal 5% Muslims to conquer Switzerland and impose Sharia!! India with around 18-20% Muslims and thousands of towering minarets still remains a throbbing democracy with freedom of religion to one and all!! Wild accusations by indiscreet politicians who speak the words of those who suffer from a fear of Islam. They cause great disservice to the society and world peace. Minarets or no Minarets, Muslims will continue to patronize Switzerland- a cradle of warm and genuine people who welcome with an open heart, a warm smile and a hospitality par excellence.
Is there a more sinister design lurking somewhere in yonder lands? Some people far away from the honest and warm Swiss are looking in the hourglass and using the Swiss as the fall guy? This being just the precursor to greater happenings in the days to come?
Abdalla bhai.A super recount of things.Very well written.Sadly i am not in the bookers committee.
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