Saturday, March 28, 2009

We the People-We the Indians have to rise!

It is not nice to break a promise and I hate to be the one doing so! I had thought of keeping mum on the shortcut politician-Varun G. But I am driven to despair. I am distraught at the turn of events as I see a gloating galaxy of the saffron brigade throttle the essence of democracy and ethics . And Ravi Shankar has the audacity to call this as the “noise of democracy”! Indeed, when we slit the jugular vein of democracy, there has to be at least the noise! Give me a break! What we see on the 28th of March is a blatant throat slitting of our very fabric of existence-undiluted and pure democracy. And who is to blame??
It is pathetic to see how sectarian hatred is being cradled by the crass politicians. Senior politicians were rushed to Pilibhit to ensure a huge crowd prior to the arrival of the Prince of Hindutva. Efforts were made to ensure that the whole scenario is like the home coming of the chivalrous son! The son who has conquered the demon that threatened the entire humanity.
Political parties that indulge in such ventures should be damned by the voter. We live in the Modern era of progress and development. We nurture dreams of being a super power. We challenge others to debates like the US. Our new generation aspires to conquer the world. But nothing of this is going to happen till as long as politicians continue to thrive on human divide based on caste, religion,region or language. Honestly speaking, our dreams will remain a dream because we are not in charge of our own destiny. We have given it in the hands of those who live for themselves. We are naïve to think that we can scale the Mount Everst when we cannot even cross the road for ourselves. We the People, are incompetent, incapable and devoid of zest and spirit to achieve. We the people, are in our Child stage and show no signs of going into the Adult stage. We allow thugs to prosper and then cry , “Bachao..Bachao”. what an Irony!! So near and yet so far! India has the potential but the one billion strong people of India have been made to grovel by a few!! Not a single Obama amongst the Billion??Search…my yourself.
Ah! Let me dry my tears and come back to the reality of the day. I read somewhere that Varun G says, “ I will not compromise on my principles” Bally ho! The world today has changed no doubt and so has the dictionary. Principles…what does it mean today? Certainly not Morality, ideology, ethics, values, integrity, virtue or honour!!
And coming back to the young politician in a hurry, if my memory serves me right, I remember that the young hate spewing fella has earlier denied that the voice was his. Correct me if my memory fails me for I think he said on various platforms that the CD was doctored? Right? Well, now, please tell me what is his stand? Does he claim that what were being shown on the CD are not his thoughts and words? If that is true, then why all this drama about principles? Utter rubbish! If what he said in the CD is said by him and he accepts it, then yes, we could say that the fella has stuck to his guns!! The irony is that on one hand he DENIES any hate speech and at the same time wants the poor, ignorant, gullible Indian voter to believe that he ACTUALLY said it! Double game…Double dealing and looking for a Double Whammy!! Got me?
The Party and the fellow are both cahoots in this nefarious game that could spell disaster and innocent lives will be sacrificed. We need to contain before the rot sets in. The hydra headed monster of communal divide is capable of latching on like a leech. It will suck and gnaw at the vitals of our thriving secular ideals. We the Indians, shall hang our heads in shame as nations will speed past us in the race for a super power. The monster should be contained by We the people- We the Indians. If blood spills over in the streets of Pilibhit or elsewhere…WHO will be responsible?? If even a single innocent life is sacrificed…whose conscience will we appeal to? And all for what? To get one guy into the parliament?
We the people need to rise. We the Indians need to Act. Today. Tomorrow may be too late. And yes, this is not about any single individual or a single party. This is against those , regardless of caste, colour, creed or religion, region, who attempt to trample our nation- Mera Bharat Mahaan.
I wonder if Mayawati , Mulayam and Sonia Gandhi could reverse the dice? Le them field a SINGLE candidate against Varun. And then let him have it!!

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