Just a brief taste of public adulation and power! Just a few days of limelight at the national level! Suddenly he started feeling larger than life. Fall came even before he could really taste success! Anna Hazare has lost the prestige, the status, the almost iconic status with one single stroke of supporting an allegedly corrupt Baba who is, ironically, crusading against corruption!! Anna was supporting a movement against corruption and the Indians were excited with new felt enthusiasm. Massive support was pouring in from Indians across the world. He was being hailed as the messiah. But alas! India seems destined to be saddled with the corrupt for some more time when a genuine messiah emerges.
Anna was going well till as long as he was the same old Hazare whose name and fame was limited. Suddenly his tenor changed. Gone is his gentle, soothing voice only to be replaced by a voice of arrogance laced with contempt. His choice of partners has shocked the enthusiastic Indian. How could he be chums with the man whose rise to riches has been dubious? On one side he dedicates himself to fight the hydra headed corruption whilst on the other he supports a Baba who is soaked in corruption! The whole of Baba’s kingdom is based on allegations of corruption. What a contradiction! And now to top it all, the Baba has threatened to raise an army of 11,000 men and women who will fight the police if they dare to take on them in future!! I wonder what is the definition of terrorism? Advaniji might help me here for he too supports the Baba. And just a few more words on the Baba. I see a lot of hue and cry in the media. All the channels are vying to use adjectives that can be as romantic as possible. We hear the police “ brutally thrashed the women and children”. If true, then it deserves complete condemnation. But I have a larger point. And I want the media and the politicians to answer this. Why did the Baba not surrender to the police????? Why did the Baba dodge and hide? Why did he make the police chase him?? For a politician, it is the ultimate to be arrested! Baba should have expressed his dissatisfaction to the police, given a press statement( the press was all ears to him 24 hours!) and gone with the police. NOTHING WOULD HAVE HAPPENED and he would have become a hero! So, should we not blame the baba for the pains and sufferings of the innocent and gullible followers?? Rahul Gandhi was arrested in Greater Noida. Later he was released. Varun Gandhi was arrested and put in Jail. Advani and Vajpaee were arrested. No politician runs away from the police unless he has something to hide!! It’s a politicians dream to be arrested!
Anna and his team have adopted a rather condescending tone. I read the letter that Shri Shanti Bhushan has sent to the Government and I am taken aback at the rather rude and intimidatory tone. It seems that except for team Anna, no one else neither has the right not the ability to draft a Jan lok pal bill. This is dangerous and disappointing. Dangerous because an air of aggression and superiority complex is the perfect mix for starting well but getting lost midway. Personal ego derails one from his mission. Disappointing because there was a lot of hope for the demoralized Indian who had suddenly found a new vigour due to a bright future that he had started visualizing!
Anna and his team need to revisit their strategy. They need to see that a new India cannot be buried under the debris of a five star jet hopping and “jumping” Baba who has some very strong personal interests. And yes, Anna, please do not disgrace and humiliate our valiant martyrs. Jallianwala bagh was a crime against India, against humanity. It slaughtered patriotic Indians. Comparing that with the Ramlila event is pathetic. By the way, Anna seems to be blissfully unaware of the genocide in Gujarat! He did not make such sweeping statement when thousands were slaughtered….
On the Jan Lok Pal bill. Anna and his team should not make this an ego issue. If they feel for India as they claim, then work with the objective of getting things done. Do not threaten and intimidate the other partners. If there are issue of strong dissent like the coverage of the PM and the judiciary, then do not become adamant. Go for whatever is acceptable to all. Let there be an “ interim Lok Pal Bill”. At least get the ball rolling! The bill can always be amended. It is not the end . Rather, it will be a beginning. Yes, the politicians will always try for a weak bill and we must resist them. Let’s be more astute and wise. Compromise a little bit to get the larger interest accomplished.
India is not an Egypt or Libya so let us stop giving examples of Tahrir square etc.. India is a vibrant and a throbbing democracy which is even more democratic than America. Let the elected government work. Yes, do chastise them with vigour but do not throttle the functioning. Wait for the next hustings to annihilate the poor performers. Some states are going to the polls. Let us elect people who can deliver. Let us focus on setting an example in the state elections so that the centre knows what is in store for then. As a mature democracy start educating the voter. All those who are voicing for a change need to consolidate at the state level elections. Work together with a focused interest and strive for a clean election by electing clean and competent people. Reject the corrupt candidates.