Long Live the Flotillas!
A bellicose Israel indicates the impotency of the world at large. What they did to the flotilla should convince humanity of the insanity that shrouds the powers in Israel. It should also shake the sleeping world to wake up and realize that here lies the epicenter of the turmoil that engulfs the world today. The normally sensitive Americans are now totally sedated under a heavy dose of the Israeli intoxicants. The British have ceased to be a nation of alert and asserting statesmen. The French and the other Europeans are busy finding ways and means of banning anything that is even distantly related to Islam. Israel ravages with impunity and in sadistic ecstasy.
But the courage of Greta Berlin and others of the Free Gaza Movement is worth applauding. Undaunted by the killers, they are now ready with another boat to set sail into the bloody waters. They know that death is waiting but they are ready to face it . This should put the Europeans , Americans and the others to shame. Small groups have the courage whilst nations buckle. Ironic and depressing. The killing of the volunteers in the flotilla is appalling to the world. But not to Israel. They do it regularly with the newborns, infants and the weak! Occupied Palestine is a witness to such blatant atrocities. But the world is blind and deaf. The UN Security Council is as helpless as the dying man. It’s feeble condemnation cannot be heard even by Mr. Boon himself!
Following this brutal bloodbath, the same old story will be repeated. There will be protests in the Arab world. Flags will be burnt by slogan chanting youth. Some Europeans will organize a march. Some national heads will come up with a stifled condemnation. That’s it. It will pass. Netanyahu and his cohorts know the pattern. They snigger and smile. They shall continue their massacre unabated. And the world will be a passive spectator to the drama. More innocents will be put to the grave as the butcher of humanity knows that the so called elites of the civil society are deaf, blind and also dumb.
When will the International civil society take cognizance that Israel is a nation that can be tamed? Yes, they can be! If only the civil society rallies in right honest! We do not need the Sakozy’s and the Obama’s if they are unable to deliver. History will show that cowardice of International leaders was the sole cause for the marauding, stomping autocracy of Israel.
We need more of Greta Berlins, Mairead Corrigan Maguires, Denis Hallidays and the others who made this flotilla a reality. We need flotillas every week! I am convinced that this six ships flotilla which had members from various religions, regions and beliefs has set the first ball rolling!
Long live the courageous and the bold! Let the civil society rise and over throw the barabarics who are akin to a hydra headed Dracula who sucks the blood and life of the innocent and the weak.
I am reminded of Gandhi’s very successful Civil disobedience against the then powerful British. We need an International Civil disobedience to bring the Zionists to their knees.
The fountainhead of peace has been set afloat and none can stop it!